A fundamental understanding of the physical properties of a micro plastic-resin particle subjected suddenly to hot combustion gas, such as the temperature history in the micro particle and its lifetime, is necessary for effectively realizing thermal recycling of recycled plastic resin. However, micro plastic particles have such small diameters, ranging from 100 µm to 200 µm, that the measurement of temperature histories within them is extremely difficult. In this paper, therefore, a spherically symmetric one-dimensional analysis is applied to the abrupt heating process of a micro plastic resin particle in a high temperature inert atmosphere. Variations of the temperature history and the lifetime with the ambient gas temperature and the initial particle diameter are numerically analyzed, by dividing the entire heating process into four independent periods; the solid heating period, the melting period, the liquid heating period, and the vaporization period. Effects of the Nusselt number on the particle lifetime are also discussed. It is found that, by suitably taking account of the influences of heat transfer properties, the proposed simplified analysis is useful for estimating the fundamental and overall temperature characteristics of a micro plastic resin particle under abrupt heating.