High-resolution photon emission ~ spectromehy has been employed to study impact ionization and photon generation dynamics in deep sub-micron MOSFET. Physical impact ionization -indirect band-gap recombination model, which is in good agreement with the broadband spectrum properties, has been developed. Abrupt change to photon emission spectrum profile at l.8eV has heeu attributed to energy -momentum, conservation requirements during impact ionization. The abrupt changes in photon intensity with respect to photon energy need to he accounted in electron population and electron mean free path derivation, using photoemission methods.
SUMMARYUtilization of spectral analysis of transistor emission to understand impact ionization and emission process in saturated transistors has been done by several researchen [I] -[6]. However, the previous set-up used limits the information gathered on the spectrum. In our set-up, we used a high-resolution spectrum analysis method. .The popular bremsstrahlung model [I], [6], [7], i s not adequate to explain the energy profile of the spectrum collected in this manner.