In this paper we present and discuss results of Monte Carlo numerical simulations of the two-dimensional Ising ferromagnet in contact with a heat bath that intrinsically has a thermal gradient.The extremes of the magnet are at temperatures T1 < Tc < T2, where Tc is the Onsager critical temperature. In this way one can observe a phase transition between an ordered phase (T < Tc) and a disordered one (T > Tc) by means of a single simulation.By starting the simulations with fully disordered initial configurations with magnetization m ≡ 0 corresponding to T = ∞, which are then suddenly annealed to a preset thermal gradient, we study the short-time critical dynamic behavior of the system. Also, by setting a small initial magnetization m = m0, we study the critical initial increase of the order parameter. Furthermore, by starting the simulations from fully ordered configurations, which correspond to the ground state at T = 0 and are subsequently quenched to a preset gradient, we study the critical relaxation dynamics of the system. Additionally, we perform stationary measurements (t → ∞) that are discussed in terms of the standard finite-size scaling theory.We conclude that our numerical simulation results of the Ising magnet in a thermal gradient, which are rationalized in terms of both dynamic and standard scaling arguments, are fully consistent with well established results obtained under equilibrium conditions. Let us assume that a physical system undergoes a smooth transition between two distinctly characteristic phases when a certain control parameter (e.g., T = temperature, P = pressure, µ = chemical potential, etc.) is finely tuned around a critical value. This physical situation is often addressed by means of analitical and numerical methods where the control parameter asuumes a fixed value. However, here we considered an alternative approach by assuming that along a given spatial direction, the system undergoes a well established gradient of the control parameter, such that the critical point lies between the extreme values, e.g., T 1 < T c < T 2 , where one has a thermal gradient between temperatures T 1 and T 2 , and the critical temperature T c is within that range [1,2,3,4,5].Of course, a standard reversible system, usually studied under equilibrium conditions, will be out of equilibrium under the gradient constraint applied to the control parameter. However, we will show below that this situation is no longer a shortcoming for the application of methods and theories already developed for the study of equilibrium systems. In order to fix ideas, in this paper we will study the dynamical and stationary behavior of the Ising model for a two-dimensional magnet[6] in a thermal gradient. The proposed study not only possess interesting theoretical challenges, but it may also be useful in connection to recent experimental work aimed to characterize films in general, and magnetic films in particular, which are obtained under thermal gradient conditions imposed on the substrate. In fact, since the temperature is a ...