“…We introduce control variables including financial leverage (LEV), firm size (SIZE), institutional investors' shareholdings (INST), operational cash flow (OCF), and revenue growth rate (GROWTH) according to Arena, Bozzolan, and Michelon () and Ali, Frynas, and Mahmood (). We also controlled factors in corporate governance such as years from listing (AGE), ownership type (SOE), share proportion of the largest shareholder (TOP1), CEO duality (DUAL), board size (BOARD), and independent directors' ratio (IND) in line with Pucheta‐Martínez and López‐Zamora () and García‐Meca and Pucheta‐Martínez (). Lastly, we control for industry effects by construct dummies, which were identified by the two‐digit industry code, according to the Industry Classification Guidance of Listed Companies issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in 2012.…”