“…We have fitness studies underway with the wild-type, P106S (rr), and TIPS (RR, Rr) EPSPS mutants. However, if this fitness cost from decreased catalytic efficiency is offset, for instance, by gene duplication of the TIPS gene as required for commercial crops (CaJacob et al, 2004), then evolution of Roundup Ready-like E. indica may be expected in nature, especially in species exhibiting EPSPS gene amplification (for review, see Sammons and Gaines, 2014), where the tandem repeat nature of the duplication (Jugulam et al, 2014) may facilitate incorporation of the necessary point mutations, and gene duplication is free of fitness cost (Vila-Aiub et al, 2014). Therefore, the evolutionary recipe to high-level glyphosate resistance in weedy plant species under glyphosate selection may have these primary components:…”