Stepwise deletions in the only plasmid in Thermus thermophilus HB27, megaplasmid pTT27, showed that two distantly located loci were important for maintenance of the plasmid. One is a minimum replicon including one gene, repT, coding a replication initiator, and the other encodes subunits of class I ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) for deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) synthesis. Since the initiator protein, RepT, bound to direct repeats downstream from its own gene, it was speculated that a more-downstream A؉T-rich region, which was critical for replication ability, could be unwound for replication initiation. On the other hand, the class I RNR is not necessarily essential for cell growth, as evidenced by the generation of the plasmid-free strain by the loss of pTT27. However, the plasmid-free strain culture has fewer viable cells than the wild-type culture, probably due to a dNTP pool imbalance in the cell. This is because of the introduction of the class I RNR genes or the supplementation of 5=-deoxyadenosylcobalamin, which stimulated class II RNR encoded in the chromosome, resolved the decrease in the number of viable cells in the plasmid-free strain. Likewise, these treatments dramatically enhanced the efficiency of transformation by exogenous plasmids and the stability of the plasmids in the strain. Therefore, the class I RNR would enable the stable maintenance of plasmids, including pTT27, as a result of genome replication normalized by reversing the dNTP pool imbalance. The generation of this plasmid-free strain with great natural competence and its analysis in regard to exogenous plasmid maintenance will expand the availability of HB27 for thermophilic cell factories.T hermus spp. are extremely thermophilic bacteria that can grow at high temperatures from 50 to 82°C. Their thermophilic enzymes, e.g., DNA polymerase for PCR, have been used in industrial applications, and their potential as cell factories to produce enzymes from other thermophiles has been demonstrated (1). The bacteria themselves have also been extensively investigated as model organisms for systems biology including structural genomics (1, 2), and their genomic DNAs, with GϩC contents as high as about 70%, are an interesting target for synthetic biology (3). Thermus-related studies have been encouraged by the existence of an established genetic engineering system based on natural competence (4-6), with thermostabilized drug resistance markers (7-10) and other thermostable genetic tools (1,(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16).Complete genomic sequences of T. scotoductus SA-01, T. oshimai JL-2, Thermus sp. strain CCB_US3_UF1, T. aquaticus Y51MC23, T. thermophilus strains HB8, HB27, SG0.5JP17-16, and JL-18, and others are available online. Thermus spp. often harbor a megaplasmid larger than 100 kbp, whereas in some strains, the megaplasmid genes seem to be transferred to the chromosome (17, 18). Similar megaplasmids have been observed in other bacteria of the Thermus-Deinococcus group showing resistance to extreme stresses such as high temperature, rad...