Diffusion barrier layers are typically
introduced in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) to avoid reaction between
state-of-the-art cathode and electrolyte materials, La1–x
O3‑δ and yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ), respectively. However, commonly
used layers of gadolinia-doped ceria (CGO) introduce overpotentials
that significantly reduce the cell performance. This performance decrease
is mainly due to the low density achievable with traditional deposition
techniques, such as screen printing, at acceptable fabrication temperatures.
In this work, perfectly dense and reproducible barrier layers for
state-of-the-art cells (∼80 cm2) were implemented,
for the first time, using large-area pulsed laser deposition (LA-PLD).
In order to minimize cation interdiffusion, the low-temperature deposited
barrier layers were thermally stabilized in the range between 1100
and 1400 °C. Significant enhanced performance is reported for
cells stabilized at 1150 °C showing excellent power densities
of 1.25 W·cm–2 at 0.7 V and at a operation
temperature of 750 °C. Improved cells were finally included in
a stack and operated in realistic conditions for 4500 h revealing
low degradation rates (0.5%/1000 h) comparable to reference cells.
This approach opens new perspectives in manufacturing highly reproducible
and stable barrier layers for a new generation of SOFCs.