Through the use of XPS and controlled Ar + etching, the surface composition and oxide species of tantalum oxides (TaO x ), which were electrodeposited on glassy carbon electrodes by cyclic voltammetric and constant-potential electrolyses, are quantified along the depth profile. Electrodeposition exhibits efficacy in depositing TaO x with a distribution of various TaO x : TaO, TaO 2 , and Ta 2 O 5 . The distribution gradient from the outer surface of TaO x is such that Ta 2 O 5 > TaO 2 >TaO. TaO is found to be the dominant species in the underlying layer of TaO x . Such a unique structure of the electrode surface is analogous to that of nanoparticles with a core-shell structure, with the core being suboxides and the surface being that of the saturated pentoxide, Ta 2 O 5 . The electrochemically induced nonhydrolytic condensation route is proposed to be capable of producing TaO x with a distribution gradient of Ta 2 O 5 , TaO 2 , and TaO in the depth direction.