Received Month X, XXXX; revised Month X, XXXX; accepted Month X, XXXX;posted Month X, XXXX (Doc. ID XXXXX); published Month X, XXXX Stimulated emission depletion microscopy inspired direct laser writing (STED-DLW) processes can offer diffraction-unlimited fabrication of 3D-structures, not possible with traditional electron-beam or optical lithography. We propose a hyperbolic metamaterial for fabrication with STED-DLW. First, we design meandering wire structures with three different magnetic dipoles which can be excited under different incidences of light. Then, based on effective parameters corresponding to normal incidence and lateral incidence, we find that the hyperbolic dispersion relation for five-layer structure appears between 15THz to 20 THz. Finally, we investigate the influence of imaginary parts of the effective parameters on the metamaterial dispersion. The proposed metamaterial structure has also potential for three-dimensionally isotropic permeability despite geometric anisotropy.