A wave-packet time evolution method, based on the split-operator technique, is developed to investigate the scattering of quasi-particles at a normal-superconductor interface of arbitrary profile and shape. As a practical application, we consider a system where low energy electrons can be described as Dirac particles, which is the case for most two-dimensional materials, such as graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides. However the method is easily adapted for other cases such as electrons in few layer black phosphorus, or any Schrödinger quasi-particles within the effective mass approximation in semiconductors. We employ the method to revisit Andreev reflection in graphene, where specular and retro reflection cases are observed for electrons scattered by a steplike superconducting region. The effect of opening a zero-gap channel across the superconducting region on the electron and hole scattering is also addressed, as an example of the versatility of the technique proposed here.