Zika virus (ZIKV), a flavivirus, and chikungunya virus (CHIKV), an alphavirus, are infectious RNA arboviruses transmitted to humans by the bite of Aedes species mosquitoes. Both viruses have only recently emerged in the Western Hemisphere (1, 2), and along with dengue virus (DENV), another flavivirus, now circulate widely in Brazil. The acute illness caused by these viruses, characterized by fever, rash, myalgia, arthralgia, and conjunctivitis, is nonspecific, and differential diagnosis on the basis of clinical findings alone is challenging. Later infectious sequelae include chronic arthritis for CHIKV (2) and encephalitis, immune-mediated syndromes, and stroke for DENV (3). Recently, the association between ZIKV infection and severe fetal complications such as microcephaly in pregnant women has been established (4), and the virus has also been linked to neurological complications such as Guillain-Barré syndrome (5). Thus, broadbased assays are needed for differential diagnosis of vectorborne febrile illnesses and to identify potential coinfections. Here we report the utility of metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) as a screening tool to identify coinfections and the use of genome recovery and phylogenetic analyses directly from patient serum samples in the context of the ongoing ZIKV outbreak. We also show that the clinical presentation of arboviral coinfections seems to favor the virus present at a higher titer in acutely infected individuals.
MATERIALS AND METHODSZIKV serum sample collection, ZIKV RT-PCR, and DENV antibody testing. Written consent from patients was obtained under a study protocol approved by the Brazil Ministry of Health (Certificado de Apresentação para Apreciação Ética 45483115.0.0000.0046, no. 1159.184, Brazil). Serum samples were obtained from 15 patients seen at Aliança Hospital in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, from April 2015 to January 2016 who were given a presumptive diagnosis of an acute viral illness by emergency department physicians and were found to be positive by qualitative reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) testing for ZIKV. Serum samples Bahia01 to Bahia15 were subjected to RNA extraction using the QIAamp viral RNA minikit (Qiagen), and RNA was reverse transcribed using the Superscript II reverse transcriptase kit (Invitrogen), followed by qualitative RT-PCR testing for ZIKV using primers targeting the NS5 gene (6). Serum samples were also tested for DENV infection using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) specific for the NS1 antigen and anti-DENV IgG/IgM according to the manufacturer's instructions (Dengue Duo Test; Bioeasy Diagnostica, Brazil).Metagenomic next-generation sequencing. A separate serum aliquot was extracted for total nucleic acid using the Qiagen viral RNA minikit (Qiagen), followed by DNase treatment using a cocktail of Turbo DNase (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and Baseline-Zero DNase (Epicentre Biotechnologies), followed by NGS library construction using the NexteraXT kit (Illumina) as previously described (7,8). Runs of single-end, 160-base pair...