With the current interest in the rare-earth tellurides as 'high temperature' charge density wave materials, a greater understanding of the physics of these systems is needed, particularly in the case of the ditellurides. We report a detailed study of the band structure of LaTe2 in the charge density wave state using high-resolution angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). From this work we hope to provide insights into the successes and weaknesses of past theoretical study as well as helping to clear up prior ambiguities by providing a firm experimental basis for future work in the tellurides.Having been the subject of research for over half a century, a charge density wave (CDW) transition relates to a balance between electronic energy and lattice structural stability. Below a critical temperature, the system finds it energetically favorable to introduce a new periodic ordering, allowing the Fermi surface (FS) to be gapped, and lowering the overall electronic energy. Because this ordering is mediated by strong electron-phonon interactions, such systems can provide excellent opportunities for theoretical investigation toward how stronglycorrelated electron-phonon systems behave and its effects on band structure. Furthermore, when one relates CDW and other charge ordering physics to systems exhibiting superconductivity, the interest becomes more pressing and exciting [1,2,3,4,5,6].Recently the rare earth di-and tritelluride systems have attracted great interest due to their low dimensionality and the recent discovery of a pressure-induced superconducting state [6] competing with a CDW phase and with anti-ferromagnetic order. This interplay makes the tellurides the ideal system to investigate the consequences that the competition between charge density wave, antiferromagnetism and superconductivity has on the fermionic excitation at the Fermi energy and to provide a deeper understanding of how superconductivity results from such interplay, an issue of great interest in the solid state community.The existence of a CDW phase in the ditellurides has been first established by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) [7,8] and single crystal X-ray diffraction [9] experiments. TEM measurements have reported a long range distortion q = .5a* [8] similar to the diselenides [10], while single crystal X-ray diffraction expanded on this suggesting a larger 2 × 2 × 1 superstructure [9]. Most recently, the TEM work of Shin et al. demonstrated a four-fold symmetric superstructure with a modified q=.484a * and proposed an additional CDW wave vector q=.6a * +.2b * [7]. Although traditional scattering and tunneling techniques can reveal structural modulations due to CDW phenomena, a complete insight into the CDW phase and its formation demands a direct probe of the electronic structure. To accomplish such a study, angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is unique among experimental tools. Using soft X-ray light, valence band electrons are photoemitted and their in-crystal momentum and energy are measured. This all...