An experimental and theoretical study of relative intensity noise �RIN� spectra of side-mode injection-locked Fabry-Pérot semiconductor lasers is reported. It is shown that the injection-locking technique effectively increases the relaxation oscillation frequency from 4.5 GHz �free-running mode� to 12 GHz �injection-locked mode� and enhances relaxation peaks of the slave laser RIN spectra. Results from our theoretical model, which include the key parameters for semiconductor quantum-well lasers, such as the linewidth enhancement factor, the nonlinear gain saturation coefficients, and optical confinement factor, show good agreement with our experimental results. © 2000 American Institute of Physics. �S0003-6951�00�03435-5� Considerable attention has recently been paid to injec tion locking in semiconductor lasers due to the desire to develop broader-bandwidth laser systems. Several studies have predicted that the modulation bandwidth of strongly injection-locked semiconductor lasers can be significantly improved compared to the free-running case. 1,2 This is very attractive since it may allow one to achieve large modulation bandwidths with conventional semiconductor lasers at room temperature, avoiding the use of advanced devices and the need for complicated fabrication techniques. Injection lock ing influencing the modulation bandwidth of semiconductor lasers was shown experimentally and theoretically. 3 Simpson and Liu indirectly observed the increase of the relaxation frequency 1 and presented the noise reduction for an injection-locked laser. 4 Meng, Chau, and Wu 5 reported ex perimental data directly demonstrating the improvement of modulation responses. Measurements of the eye diagrams of injection-locked lasers also confirm the bandwidth improvement. 6 However, little experimental work on the relative inten sity noise �RIN� and the variation of the relaxation oscilla tion frequency for injection-locked semiconductor lasers are available in the literature. 4,7 Several theoretical simulations of noise characteristics have been reported, 4,8-11 with one of them predicting the relaxation frequency enhancement. 4 In this letter, we report experimental results and theoretical cal culations of RIN spectra of an injection-locked Fabry-Pérot �FP� laser, and show very good agreement between the theory and experiment. We also compare the RIN spectra of the free-running laser with the injection-locked laser and show an increase of relaxation frequency from 4.5 GHz �free running� to 12 GHz �injection locked�.The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. The injection signal from a single-mode distributed-feedback �DFB� mas ter laser passes through an erbium-doped fiber-optical ampli fier �EDFA�. The EDFA is used to amplify the pump DFB laser power and control its injection power into the slave laser over a range up to a few milliwatts. A tunable 3-nm a� Electronic mail: bandwidth optical filter is used to remove excess signals on the side modes. The injection level is monitored by an opti cal power meter...