To analyse the use of participatory approaches in research of health interventions for migrants, and how utilised approaches embody core participatory principles of democracy and power distribution.
A systematic review of original articles. Electronic searchers were carried out in the databases MEDLINE, Embase, Global Health and PsychINFO (from inception to Nov 2020).
Eligibility criteria for study selection
The analysis included original peer reviewed research which reported on attempts to develop and implement a health intervention for migrants using participatory approaches. We defined migrants as foreign born individuals; studies using definitions demonstrably outside of this were excluded. Only articles reporting the full research cycle (inception, design, implementation, analysis, evaluation, dissemination) were included.
Data extraction
Information related to who was involved in research (migrants or other non academic stakeholders), the research stage at which they were involved (inception, design, implementation, analysis, evaluation, dissemination), and how this involvement aligned with the core principles of participatory research, categorising studies as exhibiting active, pseudo, or indirect participation of migrants.
1793 publication were screened of which 28 were included in our analysis. We found substantial variation in the application of participatory research approaches: across 168 individual research stages analysed across the 28 studies, we recorded 46 instances of active participation of migrants; 30 instances of proxy participation; and 24 instances of indirect participation. Whilst all studies involved at least one non-academic stakeholder group in at least one stage of the research, just two studies exhibited evidence of active participation of migrants across all research stages.
These data highlight important shortfalls in the inclusion of migrant groups in developing health interventions that affect their lives and suggest a more rigorous and standardised approach to defining and delivering participatory research is urgently needed to improve the quality of participatory research.
This review followed PRISMA guidelines and is registered on the Open Science Framework (osf.io/2bnz5)