We study the two-body problem of ultracold fermionic alkaline-earth (like) atoms in the electronic 1 S0 state (g-state) and 3 P0 state (e-state) which are confined in a quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) tube simultaneously, where in the axial direction the g-atom experiences a 1D optical lattice and the e-atom is localized by a harmonic potential. Due to the nuclear-spin exchange interaction between the g-and e-atom, one can use such a quasi-(1+0)D system to realize Kondo effect in the 1D lattice. We suggest two tight-binding models for this system, for the cases that the oddwave scattering between the g-and e-atom is negligible or not, respectively. Moreover,we give a microscopic derivation for the inter-atomic interaction parameters of these models, by explicitly calculating the quasi-(1+0)D low-energy scattering amplitude of the g-and e-atom in this system and matching this exact result with the ones given by tight-binding models. We illustrate our results for the experimental systems of ultracold 173 Yb and 171 Yb atoms and show the control effect of the confinement potentials on these model parameters. Furthermore, the validity of the simple "projection approximation" is examined. In this approximation, one derives the interaction parameters of the tight-binding models by directly projecting the 3D Huang-Yang pseudopotential on the ground state of the confinement and the lowest band of the optical lattice. This approximation is supposed to be correct when the 3D inter-atomic scattering length as is much smaller than the characteristic lengths (CLs) of the confinements. However, we find that for our system this approximation already does not work when as is only of the order of 10% of the confinement CLs. Furthermore, using the exact two-atom scattering amplitude, we calculate the spin-exchanging rate (i.e., the cross-section of the spin-exchanging collision between the g-and e-atom) for the recent experiment (L. Riegger, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 143601 (2018)) of 173 Yb atoms in this quasi-(1+0)D system, and investigate finite-quasi-momentum effect of the g-atoms in this experiment. Our results show that this effect is very significant, and the quasi-momentum of the g-atoms in this experiment may be already in the second Brillouin zone of the optical lattice. * renzhang@xjtu.edu.cn † pengzhang@ruc.edu.cn Furthermore, with the help of confinement-induced resonance (CIR) [12][13][14], one can control the spin-exchange interaction by tuning the trapping potentials [1][2][3][4]. This technique has already been realized in the recent experiment of ultracold 173 Yb atoms [4].In our previous works [1-3] we studied the control of spin-exchange interaction for alkaline-earth-(like) atoms in a mixed-dimensional system via the CIRs. In these works we assume the atoms are confined in a 2D harmonic potential (i.e., a quasi-1D tube), which has the same frequency for atoms in both 1 S 0 (g-) and 3 P 0 (e-) states. Besides, in the axial direction the e-atom further experiences a harmonic trapping potential while the g-...