The question whether a given quantum state is a ground or thermal state of a few-body Hamiltonian can be used to characterize the complexity of the state and is important for possible experimental implementations. We provide methods to characterize the states generated by two-and, more generally, k-body Hamiltonians as well as the convex hull of these sets. This leads to new insights into the question which states are uniquely determined by their marginals and to a generalization of the concept of entanglement. Finally, certification methods for quantum simulation can be derived.PACS numbers: 03.65. Ud, 03.67.Mn Introduction.-Interactions in quantum mechanics are described by Hamilton operators. The study of their properties, such as their symmetries, eigenvalues, and ground states, is central for several fields of physics. Physically relevant Hamiltonians, however, are often restricted to few-body interactions, as the relevant interaction mechanisms are local. But the characterization of generic few-body Hamiltonians is not well explored, since in most cases one starts with a given Hamiltonian and tries to find out its properties.In quantum information processing, ground and thermal states of local Hamiltonians are of interest for several reasons: First, if a desired state is the ground or thermal state of a sufficiently local Hamiltonian, it might be experimentally prepared by engineering the required interactions and cooling down or letting thermalise the physical system [1]. For example, one may try to prepare a cluster state, the resource for measurement-based quantum computation, as a ground state of a local Hamiltonian [2]. Second, on a more theoretical side, ground states of k-body Hamiltonians are completely characterized by their reduced k-body density matrices. The question which states are uniquely determined by their marginals has been repeatedly studied and is a variation of the representability problem, which asks whether given marginals can be represented by a global state [3]. It has turned out that many pure states have the property to be uniquely determined by a small set of their marginals [4,5], and for practical purposes it is relevant that often entanglement or non-locality can be inferred by considering the marginals only [6].In this paper we present a general approach to characterize ground and thermal states of few-body Hamiltonians. We use the formalism of exponential families, a concept first introduced for classical probability distributions by Amari [7] and extended to the quantum setting in Refs. [8][9][10][11]. This offers a systematic characterization of the complexity of quantum states in a conceptionally pleasing way. We derive two methods that can be used to compute various distances to thermal states of kbody Hamiltonians: The first method is general and uses semidefinite programming, while the second method isSchematic view of the state space, the exponential families Q1 and Q2, and their convex hulls. While the whole space of mixed states is convex, the exponential famil...