Entangled photon pair sources based on bulk optics are approaching optimal design and implementation, with high state fidelities, spectral purities and heralding efficiencies, but generally low brightness. Integrated entanglement sources, while providing higher brightness and low-power operation, often sacrifice performance in output state quality and coupling efficiency. Here we present a polarization-entangled pair source based on a hybrid approach of waveguiding and bulk optics, addressing every metric simultaneously. We show 96 % fidelity to the singlet state, 82 % Hong-Ou-Mandel interference visibility, 43 % average Klyshko efficiency, and a high brightness of 2.9 × 10 6 pairs/(mode·s·mW), while requiring only microwatts of pump power.Our source combines for the first time high performance in all parameters simultaneously.
Integrated single-mode photon pair sourcesOver the last two decades, efforts in improving entangled photon-pair sources based on bulk crystals and bulk optics have resulted in impressive performance in many measures (see Table 1 in the appendix for comparison). Entanglement fidelities above 99 % are readily achieved [1,2,17,30], and even above 99.9 % is possible [4]. Klyshko (heralding) efficiency [31], defined as the ratio of coincidence to singles counts, can reach 75 % [1,2,30,32,33]. The spectral purity, required to interfere photons from separate sources for multi-photon experiments, has been shown above 99 % [34].Unfortunately, bulk sources suffer from an intrinsic tradeoff between the brightness, or emitted photon rate per pump power (taken in the source before losses, but considering only modes which will reach the detectors), and the Klyshko efficiency [11]; for example setting the pump focus to enable coupling photon pairs to single mode fiber with 95 % efficiency necessarily reduces the brightness by a factor of ten from the maximum [35]. This tradeoff arises due to conflicting requirements on the focusing conditions: high brightness requires a tight pump focus which concentrates the down-converted light into the spatial modes collected by the fibers [36]. High Klyshko efficiency, however, requires a weak focus which more strongly correlates the spatial modes of signal and idler photons such that if one photon is coupled into fiber, the other is likely to be coupled too [37]. This tradeoff means the fundamental performance limits of bulk sources have largely been saturated. Furthermore, sources at telecommunications wavelengths are much less bright than those with visible-range photons, due to the wavelength dependence of the down-conversion efficiency [38].Integrated photon sources can surpass these limits, as the waveguide, rather than spatial phasematching, defines the allowed modes into which photons are emitted [39]. Singlespatial-mode waveguides in particular completely decouple the brightness from the focusing conditions [40], and can be produced with appropriate choice of the waveguide width and height. Then the the maximum coupling efficiency depends only on the mode ov...