In a recent experiment on CoNb2O6, Coldea et al. [1] found for the first time experimental evidence of the exceptional Lie algebra E8. The emergence of this symmetry was theoretically predicted long ago for the transverse quantum Ising chain in the presence of a weak longitudinal field. We consider an accurate microscopic model of CoNb2O6 incorporating additional couplings and calculate numerically the dynamical structure function using a recently developed matrix-productstate method. The excitation spectra show bound states characteristic of the weakly broken E8 symmetry. We compare the observed bound state signatures in this model to those found in the transverse Ising chain in a longitudinal field and to experimental data. The one-dimensional (1D) quantum Ising model in transverse and longitudinal fields is one of the most studied theoretical models in condensed matter physics. It is a relatively simple model that contains very rich physics; for example, it contains a quantum critical point (QCP) at zero longitudinal field related to the 2D classical Ising model. A remarkable fact is that the integrability present at the critical point remains under addition of a longitudinal field as a mass-generating perturbation. Zamolodchikov conjectured in 1989 an S-matrix describing eight emergent particles whose mass ratios are connected to the roots of the Lie algebra E 8 [2,3]. Recently, Coldea et al. performed neutron scattering experiments on CoNb 2 O 6 (cobalt niobate), a material that to a good approximation can be described by a quantum Ising chain. At low temperatures and in the presence of a strong external transverse magnetic field which tunes the system to near criticality, the observed spectrum shows characteristic excitations of the E 8 symmetry [1].However, a serious problem in comparing theory and experiment is that the real material has additional couplings that strictly speaking invalidate the exact solution, and until recently it was impractical to extend the theory non-perturbatively to include these couplings. In this Letter, we study a theoretical model for CoNb 2 O 6 which includes in addition to the Ising interaction other interactions arising from the lattice structure and the weak coupling between the chains. Using this model, we calculate the dynamical spectral function and compare the results to the observed spectra. Close to the QCP, the model retains features expected from the quantum Ising model, in particular the characteristic particles of the E 8 symmetry.We begin by deriving the theoretical model used to describe the low-energy physics of CoNb 2 O 6 . The spin lattice structure consists of chains of easy axis spins, realizing a two level system, on the Co 2+ ions coupled by a ferromagnetic Ising interaction along the chain direction, see Fig. 1A. We thus start from the quantum Ising chain, described by the Hamiltonian