Majorana zero modes (MZMs) emerging at the edges of topological superconducting wires have been proposed as the building blocks of novel, fault-tolerant quantum computation protocols. Coherent detection and manipulation of such states in scalable devices are, therefore, essential in these applications. Recent detection proposals include semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) coupled to the end of these wires, as changes in the QD electronic spectral density due to the MZM coupling could be detected in transport experiments. Here, we propose that multi-QD systems can also be used to manipulate MZMs through precise control over the QDs' parameters. The simplest case where Majorana manipulation is possible is in a double quantum dot (DQD) geometry. By using exact analytical methods and numerical renormalization-group calculations, we show that the QDs' spectral functions can be used to characterize the presence or not of MZMs "leaking" into the DQD. More importantly, we find that these signatures respond to changes in the DQD parameters such as gate-voltages and couplings in a consistent fashion. Additionally, we show that different MZM-DQD coupling geometries ("symmetric" , "in-series" and "T-shaped" junctions) offer distinct ways in which MZMs can be switched from dot to dot. These results highlight the interesting possibilities that DQDs offer for all-electrical MZM control in scalable devices. arXiv:1905.09140v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]