a small Dialysis Unit, following incremental personalized schedules (2-6 sessions/week, depending on residual function), tailored to an equivalent renal clearance >12 mL/min. Four obese and two overweigh patients (5 male, 1 female; age: 40-63 years; body mass index [BMI] 31.1 kg/m(2)) were enrolled in a coach-assisted weight loss program, with an "ad libitum" approach (3-6 foods/day chosen on the basis of their glycemic index and glycemic load). The diet consists of 8 weeks of rapid weight loss followed by 8-12 weeks of maintenance; both phases can be repeated. This study measures weight loss, side effects, and patients' opinions. Over 12-30 months, all patients lost weight (median -10.3 kg [5.7-20], median ΔBMI-3.2). Serum albumin (pre-diet 3.78; post-diet 3.83 g/dL), hemoglobin (pre-diet 11; post-diet 11.2 g/dL), and acid-base balance (HCO(3) pre-diet: 23.3; post-diet: 23.4 mmol/L) remained stable, with decreasing needs for erythropoietin and citrate or bicarbonate supplements. Calcium-phosphate-parathyroid hormone (PTH) balance improved (PTH-pre 576; post 286 pg/mL). Three out of 4 hypertensive patients discontinued, 1 decreased antihypertensives. None experienced severe side effects. Patient satisfaction was high (9 on a 0-10 analog scale). Personalized, incremental hemodialysis schedules allow patient enrollment in intensive personalized weight loss programs, with promising results.