mixed alkali effect, the deviation from expected linear property
changes when alkali ions are mixed in a glass, remains a point of
contention in the glass community. While several earlier models have
been proposed to explain mixed alkali effects on ionic motion, models
based on or containing discussion of structural aspects of mixed-alkali
glasses remain rare by comparison. However, the transition-range viscosity
depression effect is many orders in magnitude for mixed-alkali glasses,
and the original observation of the effect (then known as the Thermometer
Effect) concerned the highly anomalous temperature dependence of stress
and structural relaxation time constants. With this in mind, a new
structural model based on topological constraint theory is proposed
herein which elucidates the origin of the mixed alkali effect as a
consequence of network strain due to differing cation radii. Discussion
of literature models and data alongside new molecular dynamics simulations
and experimental data are presented in support of the model, with
good agreement.