. 2009. Organic fruit production in British Columbia. Can. J. Plant Sci. 89: 677Á692. British Columbia has climatic conditions suitable for the production of a wide range of high-value fruit crops, and has the highest rate of increase of organic production in Canada. This review assesses the current status of organic fruit production using a case study of the three most valuable fruit crops currently grown: apple (Malus ) domestica Borkh.), grape (Vitis vinifera L.) and high bush blueberry (Vaccinium corybosum L.). The review emphasizes the current status of organically acceptable management of crop resources and crop protection from insects and diseases. Central to organic production are soil management strategies designed to maintain soil fertility and increase soil biological activity and biodiversity by increasing soil organic matter content. Composts and organic amendments that require vigilant testing of their variable and often lower nutrient content are substituted for the chemical fertilizers of conventional production. Increased effort to manage vegetation within and between planting rows is necessitated by an inability to use herbicides. Thus, techniques such as mulching, cultivation and cover cropping are important. Management of insects and diseases requires detailed information of the agro-ecosystem and the unique interactions between pests and specific crops. Organic approaches to minimize pest damage include altered production practices or applications of organically approved control products. Some aspects of organic production systems have received little or no research. In irrigated areas, there is little information available on water management that supports conservation and the specific needs of organic production systems. Historically, research on organic production systems has not received the financial support allocated to conventional system research. Many research needs are identified in this review both applicable to all three fruit crops studied, but also specific to the individual crop. It is argued that future consumer demand calls for an acceleration of research on organic fruit production systems. J. Plant Sci. 89: 677Á692. Le climat de la Colombie-Britannique se preˆte a`la production d'une grande varie´te´de cultures fruitie`res lucratives et la province connaıˆt la plus forte hausse au Canada pour ce qui est de la culture biologique. Cet article dresse le bilan de la production de fruits biologiques par le biais d'une e´tude de cas sur les trois cultures actuellement les plus lucratives, soit la pomme (Malus )domestica Borkh.), le raisin (Vitis vinifera L.) et le bleuet en corymbe (Vaccinium corybosum L.). L'article insiste sur la situation actuelle des ressources agricoles exploite´es d'une manie`re biologiquement acceptable et des moyens de lutte biologiques contre les insectes et la maladie. Au caeur de la culture organique figurent des strate´gies de gestion du sol conc¸ues pour pre´server la fertilite´du sol et accroıˆtre son activite´biologique ainsi que sa biodiversite´p...