En référence aux travaux qui éclairent la constitution des trajectoires des universitaires aux États-Unis, nous analysons les déterminants de l'accès au professorat des universités en France dans trois disciplines (histoire, physique, gestion
BecominG FuLL PRoFeSSoR in FRencH univeRSiTieS: A comPARiSon oF THRee DiSciPLineS oveR THe PeRioD 1976-2007The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the determinants of promotions to professorship in the French academia in three disciplines: Management, History and Physics. Among these determinants, we focus on the impact of personal attributes (age and gender), scientific production and institutional characteristics. We also take into account differences between disciplines and cohorts. To reach that goal, we estimate mixed duration models based on an original dataset, which allows us to observe more than 800 professors. Our results conclude to both common and specific determinants of promotion in France, compared to those found in the us system.