Liquid maldistribution is one of the main deficiencies in random packed column design. Therefore, the knowledge of liquid distribution and its model-based prediction is of great interest. This work aims to further develop and validate the TUM-WelChem Cell Model for random packed columns. First, cell dimension calculations and the determination of random packing element orientations are standardized. The original WelChem Cell Model applies a liquid distribution mechanism based on liquid spread factors derived by virtual 3D irrigation experiments. An extension of the model involves the implementation of liquid and gas load related distribution mechanisms, considering dispersion effects caused by liquid loading and the countercurrent gas flow. The wall flow is refined by an increase of packing porosity at the column wall. Liquid distribution profiles provided by the TUM-WelChem Cell Model are validated against experimental data and show good agreement for both uniform and point source initial liquid distribution. K E Y W O R D S cell model, liquid distribution, maldistribution, packed column, random packing