“…In cued recall, stimuli, such as paired associates, category cues, extralist semantic associates of target words, or pictures, might be provided or withheld at test in order to determine the effectiveness of the cues. The methods used in the present study resemble the cued recall Limitations of typical context manipulations include (1) the possibility that global context cues may be overloaded (e.g., Watkins & Watkins, 1975) (that is, if too many target words are associated with one context cue, that overloaded cue may have only a weak effect of evoking a memory; e.g., Isarida & Isarida, 2007;Rutherford, 2004); (2) incidental contexts might not be well encoded; and (3) the participants may spontaneously try to mentally reinstate the study context when tests take place in a new environmental context, thereby weakening or eliminating the effects of experimental manipulations of context (e.g., S. M. Smith, 1979Smith, , 1984.…”