Termier, 1971. The great est biodiversity of the bryo zoans in the Ca1 pro files stud ied is within the slope fa cies where large, fan-shaped and fun nel-shaped re tic u late fenestellid col o nies up to 10 cm high dom i nate. In con trast, bryo zoans in the marginal (prox i mal) parts of the ba sin mostly com prise trepostomes, rep re sented by en crust ing plate-like or coil-shaped col o nies of Dyscritella Girty, and com monly bro ken branched col o nies of Acanthocladia King. The changes in the bi otic com po si tion of the bryo zoans and the pres ence of a dom i nant col ony growth form in the strati graphi cal pro file of the Ca1 re flect the depositional en vi ron ment and wa ter en ergy. These fac tors stim u late the suc ces sive stages of the de vel op ment of the biota and their set tle ment, marked by the rich productid-fenestellid as sem blages typ i cal of the off shore set ting, with the max i mum depth in the mid dle part of the Ca1 in the Grodziec Syncline. The prox i mal tempestites and fore shore fa cies of the up per part of the Ca1 (Leszczyna Syncline) ter mi nate the sed i men tary cy cle of the Ca1, with the rem nant, bro ken bryo zoans of Acanthocladia and fenestellids. The re la tion ship be tween the tax o nomic com po si tion, col ony growth-pat terns, as so ci ated biota, and sed i men tary struc tures points to slow sed i men ta tion rate on slope and ba sin floor of the Ca1 car bon ate plat form. The fenestellids which are dom i nated in the stud ied biota by the re tic u late and pin nate col o nies of Spinofenestella, Kingopora, Kalvariella and Acanthocladia mark a close palaeo geo graphi cal link with the Zechstein (Ca1) bryo zoans of Great Brit ain, Ger many and the south ern Bal tic re gion.