Humans routinely use past experience with complexity to deal with novel, challenging circumstances. This fundamental aspect of real-world behavior has received surprisingly little attention in animal studies, and the underlying brain mechanisms are unknown. The present experiments tested for transfer from past experience in rats and then used quantitative imaging to localize synaptic modifications in hippocampus. Six daily exposures to an enriched environment (EE) caused a marked enhancement of short-and long-term memory encoded during a 30-min session in a different and complex environment relative to rats given extensive handling or access to running wheels. Relatedly, the EE animals investigated the novel environment in a different manner than the other groups, suggesting transfer of exploration strategies acquired in earlier interactions with complexity. This effect was not associated with changes in the number or size of excitatory synapses in hippocampus. Maps of synapses expressing a marker for long-term potentiation indicated that encoding in the EE group, relative to control animals, was concentrated in hippocampal field CA1. Importantly, <1% of the total population of synapses was involved in production of the regional map. These results constitute the first evidence that the transfer of experience profoundly affects the manner in which hippocampus encodes complex information.
[Supplemental material is available for this article.]Transfer of learning is the capacity to effectively use abilities or information acquired in previous contexts in a new situation (Baldwin and Ford 1988;Perkins and Salomon 1992;Pan and Yang 2010). Importantly, learning and behavior in both the original and the new context may be self-directed, or may involve external guidance to varying degrees. Learning of the former typewithout external instruction, supervision, or reinforcement-is of particular interest and has been investigated in cognitive psychology (Fisher et al. 1991), education (Kolb 2015, perception and inference (Barlow 1989(Barlow , 1990, and machine learning (Hastie et al. 2009). It is widely recognized that the transfer of knowledge or strategies gained during learning to new situations is essential for the efficacy and flexibility of human behavior, particularly in unsupervised contexts. Despite this, there has been little work on whether and to what degree the effect occurs in laboratory animals. The present work used a combination of unsupervised experience with a complex environment followed by exposure to novel conditions to address this question. The results enabled a first investigation into how transfer affects the manner in which the hippocampus, a structure critical to unsupervised learning, encodes new information.We began with a straightforward extension of a well-known phenomenon: the reduction of spontaneous locomotor activity over time by rats in a novel open field. While open-field testing was originally introduced (Hall and Ballachey 1932) to measure emotionality, it became widely used as a simp...