Relevance. In the review, the author gives an assessment of the monographic research of Natalia Ivanovna Kuznetsova, Candidate of Law "Criminal policy in the field of environmental safety". The criminal-political and scientific-theoretical problems of responsibility for environmental crimes raised in the monograph should be identified as priorities for resolution today.The purpose: to conduct a comprehensive comprehensive scientific analysis of the monographic work submitted for review.Objectives: to assess the relevance, scientific novelty, the elaboration of the research topic, to analyze the content, the depth of the problem statement and the proposed ways out of the current situation, to evaluate, in the author's opinion, possible solutions to the tasks set, the scientific and practical significance of the results of the monographic research.Methodology. The review was based on general scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.), private scientific and special legal methods of cognition.Results. The author of the monograph gives the concept, reveals the content and principles of criminal policy in the field of environmental safety, analyzes its methods such as criminalization (decriminalization), penalization, differentiation and individualization of criminal responsibility and punishment for environmental crimes. For the first time, the global environmental problems of our time and their relationship with crime are considered at the monographic level.Conclusion. The implementation of a new paradigm of criminal policy in the field of environmental safety, proposed by N. I. Kuznetsova, will contribute to the development of such very promising areas of legal science as ecocriminology; criminology of environmental protection; ecodeviantology; ecocriminogenic victimization of society (criminal eco-victimology); information ecocriminological and criminalistic technologies.