The Australian coal seam gas (CSG) industry has grown rapidly from around 1,000 CSG wells in 2009 to more than 6,500 wells in 2014. Exploration and development has occurred in the predominantly agricultural areas of Queensland's Western Downs. The crossover of these two competing industries, agriculture and CSG, has placed the rural west under a great deal of socioeconomic and environmental pressure and led to significant controversy. The rural subdivisions of Tara perceived in the media and simplistically labelled as a conflict driven by the environmental impacts of CSG is far more complex. The root causes of this conflict run deeper. Rather than using an environmental lens, this research rather takes a social identity perspective, which has yielded counterintuitive findings. The study reveals that the conflict dramatically emerged because the CSG industry became enmeshed in the stigmatised identity of ‗Blockies', as the residents of ‗Blocks' within the Tara subdivisions are called. I also elucidate the fact that the stigmatised Blockies' failure to sustain this conflict ultimately led to its transformation. The anti-CSG ‗Blockies' took issue with CSG as a mean to manage, dissolve, and negotiate the stigma attached with the label ‗Blockie' that socially excluded, discriminated, and marked them as devalued since the subdivisions were established in 1980s. Behind the nexus between the Tara subdivision-based anti-CSG groups and the Lock the Gate movement, no shared encoded meanings or objectives exist. The Blockies' convergence with the movement was merely commensal in nature, which thus provided the rejected self with a positive reference point and a moral argument for being evaluated through the movement's identity.iii