␣-Thujone (1␣) and -thujone (1) were used to investigate the mechanism of hydrocarbon hydroxylation by cytochromes P-450 cam (CYP101) and P-450 BM3 (CYP102). The thujones are hydroxylated by these enzymes at various positions, but oxidation at C-4 gives rise to both rearranged and unrearranged hydroxylation products. Rearranged products result from the formation of a radical intermediate that can undergo either inversion of stereochemistry or ring opening of the adjacent cyclopropane ring. Both of these rearrangements, as well as a C-4 desaturation reaction, are observed. The ring opening clock gives oxygen rebound rates that range from 0.2 ؋ 10 10 to 2.8 ؋ 10 10 s ؊1 for the different substrate and enzyme combinations. The C-4 inversion reaction provides independent confirmation of a radical intermediate. The phenol product expected if a C-4 cationic rather than radical intermediate is formed is not detected. The results are consistent with a two-state process and provide support for a radical rebound but not a hydroperoxide insertion mechanism for cytochrome P-450 hydroxylation.Cytochrome P-450 enzymes catalyze a diversity of oxidations, including reactions such as the hydroxylation of hydrocarbons with high intrinsic activation barriers. A number of experimental observations, including (a) high intrinsic isotope effects for the hydroxylation reaction (1-3), (b) loss of stereochemistry at the hydroxylated center in some substrates (1,4,5), and (c) occasional allylic transposition of the site of hydroxylation (6, 7), support the proposal that the reaction proceeds via a free radical oxygen rebound mechanism (1). In this mechanism, the ferryl species (formally Fe(V) ϭ O) formed by cytochrome P-450-catalyzed activation of molecular oxygen abstracts a hydrogen from the substrate to give a carbon radical intermediate (R ⅐ ) that recombines with the formal equivalent of an iron-bound hydroxyl radical [Fe(IV)-OH] to give the final alcohol product (Fig. 1) (8, 9).Early experiments with radical clock substrates provided persuasive support for an oxygen rebound mechanism. In the first study of this kind, the oxidation of bicyclo[2.1.0]pentane was found to give a ratio of rearranged and unrearranged products that implicated a recombination rate of ϳ10 10 s Ϫ1 , and thus a lifetime of 50 ps, for the carbon radical intermediate (10,11). Subsequent experiments with related radical clock substrates confirmed this initial result for secondary carbon radicals and suggested a somewhat faster rate for primary carbon radicals (12). However, as faster and faster radical clocks were examined, conflicting results were obtained, in that the calculated rates for the recombination reaction required by the data were so rapid (in the order of 10 12 -10 13 s Ϫ1 ) that the existence of a true carbon radical intermediate became questionable (13-15). Rates of this magnitude are more consistent with a transition state rather than an actual intermediate. Furthermore, the subsequent development of probes that can distinguish between radical a...