SummaryTexture of boiled potato tubers (cv. Beate) was studied over several months of storage at either 4 or 8 ~ in relation to dry matter content, non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), methyl groups, glucose, starch and amvlose. The dry matter content decreased significantly during storage at 4 ~ but increased at 8 6C due to evaporation. The insoluble NSP contained rhamnose, galactose, arabinose, xylose, mannose, fucose and glucose; the first three sugars decreased significantly after the first 7 weeks of storage. Fracturability and percent compression before break increased during storage at 8 ~ particularly percent compression after 15 weeks. The change in fracturabilitv could partly be explained ~R-=43.4%) by the content of the NSP and the increase ifi percent compression by dry matter (R-=91.8%). Changes in texture during storage at 4 ~ however, were not striking, and could not be explained by changes in the potato components that were analysed.