The electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) is commonly used to study proteinnucleic acid interactions. The technique is based on the observation that proteinbound nucleic acid molecules migrate more slowly than free nucleic acid molecules when subjected to native polyacrylamide or agarose gel electrophoresis. After electrophoresis, the distribution of species containing nucleic acid is determined by autoradiography or other sensitive imaging technique. Under appropriate conditions, the method can be used for quantitative binding analysis, but it is most widely used as a qualitative means of detecting protein-RNA complexes. In this chapter, features relevant to the design of EMSA experiments are identified, and the technical factors found to be important for the success of the assay are outlined.
Theoretical BackgroundThe electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) is a simple and powerful method for detecting interactions between nucleic acids and proteins [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Although the simplicity of the method accounts for its popularity, it also conceals technical subtleties. In this chapter, the aim is to help select the most convenient EMSA variants for experimental purposes, and to avoid the most important pitfalls associated with the technique.The EMSA is based on the observation that the gel-electrophoretic mobility of a protein-nucleic acid complex is often less than that of the corresponding free nucleic acid. Current versions of the assay differ little from those originally described by Garner and Revzin [7] and Fried and Crothers [8], although precursors can be found in earlier reports [9][10][11]. Although originally developed to analyze DNA-protein complexes, the method is also useful for the characterization of RNA-protein interactions [12][13][14].The electrophoretic mobilities of RNA molecules in polyacrylamide or agarose gels depend on: (i) the sizes, shapes, and charges of the molecules; (ii) the conductivities of the gel and sample buffers; and (iii) the concentrations of the gel polymer and its degree of crosslinking [15]. Protein binding can result in complexes that differ from the parent RNA in terms of charge, size or shape; changes in any or all of these factors may produce a difference in gel-mobility that allows the detection of binding. Changes in the type of gel matrix (e.g., agarose versus polyacrylamide), its concentration, and changes in the composition of the gel buffer, can each affect electrophoretic resolution and, just as importantly, the stabilities of the protein-nucleic acid complexes within the gel [16][17][18][19]. Optimization of these factors is straightforward and can significantly improve the results of an EMSA.Alternative pre-mRNA Splicing: Theory and Protocols, First Edition. EditedThe selection of a binding substrate requires assumptions to be made about the RNA structure(s) needed for appropriate protein binding. If the structure of the RNA probe differs significantly from the native cellular binding target, the behavior of the assay system may not be repre...