S U M M A R YThe association of invertase with Neurospora wall was studied biochemically in six cytologically distinct stages of the Neurospora asexual life-cycle : (i) conidia, (ii) mid-log phase [IO h old] 21 and 17, respectively. The specific activities of the wall fraction were 3, 85, 120, 40, 24, and 74 units of invertase activity per milligram protein, respectively. Histochemical localization of invertase with an indirect immunofluorescent technique also showed that conidiophores had strong activity in their walls as well as in the cytoplasm and that vacuoles were devoid of any activity.
I N T R O D U C T I O NFungal development is usually accompanied by changes in enzyme activities (Zalokar, 1959;Nagasaki, 1968;Stine, 1969). A few mural exoenzymes in fungi are also present in amounts that vary with the age of the organism (Horikoshi & Ikeda, 1965;Mahadevan & Mahadkar, 1970 Trevithick, 1972) this report records its changing distribution in the wall fraction during the Neurospora asexual lifecycle, as represented by six cytologically distinct stages. A histochemical technique using indirect immunofluorescent staining was also used to elucidate finer details of invertase localization.
M E T H O D SOrganism. Wild-type Neurospora crassa was grown on Fries minimal medium (Beadle & Tatum, 1945), 2.7 % (w/v) galactose, and sodium succinate buffer (0.04 M, pH 5.2).Growth conditions. Conidia in large quantities were obtained by the method of Zalokar (I 959) from 7-day cultures grown in a Fernbach flask containing 500 ml of agar-solidified medium. Mid-log phase mycelium was obtained from cultures (2 ml of conidial suspension, extinction at 500 nm = 20, inoculated into IOO ml of growth medium in a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask) grown at 30' and agitated at a speed of 250 rev./min in a gyratory shaker bath. It was harvested after 10 h by filtration through a membrane filter (type HA, Millipore Corp., Massachusetts, U.S.A.). Post-log phase mycelium ( I ml conidial suspension, extinction at 600 nm = 20, inoculated into 50 ml culture medium in a 125 ml Erlenmeyer flask) was similarly obtained after 18 h of incubation. Aerial and submerged mycelia were