The localization of chick embryonic lysozyme was determined by two techniques : by studying the rate of release from the tissue during sequential enzymatic digestion and by immunocytochemistry . Both techniques indicate that, in this tissue, lysozyme is primarily extracellular . Cartilage lysozyme was isolated and partially characterized and found to be identical with egg white lysozyme in its immunologic and enzymatic behavior . In addition, a method for the isolation of large numbers of viable chondrocytes is described .As a further step in the study of the role of lysozyme in cartilage, a series of experiments on intact cartilage and isolated chondrocytes from chick embryos was undertaken to determine its precise distribution as well as to partly characterize it . We here report data from this study indicating that over 99% of chick embryonic cartilage lysozyme is extracellular. In addition, certain properties of cartilage lysozyme, including its immunologic identity with hen's egg white lysozyme, are described as well as a digestion procedure for the isolation of chondrocytes in sufficient numbers for biochemical assays .