A previous study showed that ϳ25-50% of rabbit ileal brush border (BB) Na , and water (re)absorption (1-3). Rapid regulation of NHE3 activity occurs as part of normal digestive and renal physiology and in the pathophysiology of diarrhea and some renal diseases of the proximal tubule. The acute regulation of the exchanger seems to be mainly through changes in its V max , but also involves changes in KЈ(H ϩ ) i (4).Regulation of NHE3 involves at least two different mechanisms: regulation by changes in trafficking due to regulated changes in endocytosis and/or exocytosis and changes in turnover number (5-11). Both these mechanisms often involve changes in NHE3 phosphorylation.In studies performed to investigate the mechanisms of NHE3 regulation in rabbit ileal Na ϩ absorptive cells, brush border (BB) 4 NHE3 was shown to be partially in lipid rafts (LR) (12). Concerning NHE3 regulation, the LR pool of BB NHE3 is involved in some of its basal endocytosis and exocytosis and in the acute epidermal growth factor increase of the BB amount of NHE3. However, the contribution of LR to NHE3 function has not been examined in detail.LR are discrete membrane domains that are enriched in glycosphingolipids and cholesterol and that are resistant to solubilization in cold Triton X-100. They are thought to act in the compartmentalization of membrane proteins, separating different biochemical functions and allowing concentration and localization of molecules involved in signal transduction functions (13-15). Besides the formation of restricted signaling platforms, rafts are implicated in apical protein targeting (13,14,16) and in some aspects of endocytosis in epithelial cells and as a docking site for some pathogens and toxins (17)(18)(19).The concept that transport proteins distribute in LR and that their activities are LR-dependent is not unique to NHE3, although it has not yet been examined for many transport proteins. Depletion of cholesterol dramatically alters the function of some (Kv2.1 and Kv1.5) but not other (Kv4.2) voltage-gated potassium channels (20, 21), decreases SGLT1 (sodium/glucose cotransporter 1) activity (22), and significantly reduces uptake of glutamate by the glial glutamate transporter EAAT2 (23) and the NaCl-dependent serotonin transporter SERT (24). Also, the mouse colonic basolateral membrane Ca 2ϩ -activated potassium channel is activated by cholesterol depletion (25). Other transporters shown to be partially in LR include NHE1 (26), the type IIa Na ϩ /P i cotransporter (27), some connexins (28), and the epithelial Na ϩ channel ENaC (29). In contrast, other transport proteins do not appear to be present or affected by LR. These include the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator CFTR in normal tissue, except when * This work was supported in part by NIDDK Grants R01-DK26523, R01-DK61765, P01-