Head and neck cancers radiotherapy (RT) is associated with inevitable injury to parotid glands and subsequent xerostomia. We investigated the utility of SUV derived from 18 FDG-PET to develop metabolic imaging biomarkers (MIBs) of RT-related parotid injury. Methods: Data for oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) patients treated with RT at our institution between 2005 and 2015 with available planning computed tomography (CT), dose grid, pre-& first post-RT 18 FDG-PET-CT scans, and physician-reported xerostomia assessment at 3-6 months post-RT (Xero 3-6 ms) per CTCAE, was retrieved, following an IRB approval. A CT-CT deformable image co-registration followed by voxel-by-voxel resampling of pre & post-RT 18 FDG activity and dose grid were performed. Ipsilateral (Ipsi) and contralateral (contra) parotid glands were sub-segmented based on the received dose in 5 Gy increments, i.e. 0-5 Gy, 5-10 Gy sub-volumes, etc. Median and dose-weighted SUV were extracted from whole parotid volumes and sub-volumes on pre-& post-RT PET scans, using in-house code that runs on MATLAB. Wilcoxon signed-rank and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to test differences pre-and post-RT. Results: 432 parotid glands, belonging to 108 OPC patients treated with RT, were sub-segmented & analyzed. Xero 3-6 ms was reported as: non-severe (78.7%) and severe (21.3%). SUV-median values were significantly reduced post-RT, irrespective of laterality (p = 0.02). A similar pattern was observed in parotid sub-volumes, especially ipsi parotid gland sub-volumes receiving doses 10-50 Gy (p < 0.05). Kruskal-Wallis test showed a significantly higher mean RT dose in the contra parotid in the patients with more severe Xero 3-6mo (p = 0.03).