Sixteen strains of Vibrio cllOlerae were isolated from cases of diarrhoea. Out of these, 12 (75%) were identified as Vibrio cllolerae 0139 synollym Bellgal and 4 (25%) as Vibrio cholerae EI Tor by standard biochemical and serological tests. Modified CAMP reaction in sheep blood agar showed that 0139 produced moderate hemolysis, EI Tor produced wider zone of hemolysis whereas Classical Vibrio cirolerae produced no zone of hemolysis (CAMP negative). Break point minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) by agar dilution method showed that all 0139 strains were resistant to ampicillin 8 mgIL, streptomycin t mglL, chloramphenicol 8 mgIL, sillphamethoxazole 32 mglL and trimethoprim 0.3-128 mglL, 58.3% were sensitive to gentamicin t mgIL, and all were sensitive to norfloxacin I mgIL and cefotaxime I mglL. Resistance to trimethoprim, sulphamethoxazol 1 ampicillin and gentamicin in 5 strains could be transferred to E coli K-t2 by conjugation experiment at a rate of 5x10-6 to 4x10· • Distinct plasmid bands of 35.8 mega daltons could be seen in agarose gel electrophoresis. MJA FI 1998; 54 : 222-224