22 23 Identifying the locations and settings where technologies are most likely to have important 24 effects can make the most of development or extension efforts. In the context of development 25 and applied ecology, decisions must often be made by policy makers and donors about where to 26 implement projects designed to improve management. Implementation in some regions may 27 provide substantially higher payoffs to investment, and higher quality information may help to 28 target the high-payoff locations. The value of information (VOI) in this context is formalized by 29 comparing the benefits from decision making guided by a set of information and the results of 30 acting without taking the information into account. We present a framework for management 31 performance mapping and for evaluating the value of information for decision making about 32 geographic priorities in regional intervention strategies. In our case studies of Andean and 33Kenyan potato seed systems, we evaluate seed health and yield information from farms, plots, 34 and individual plant observations. We use Bayesian networks and recursive partitioning to 35 efficiently characterize the relationship between these performance measures and the 36 environmental and management predictors used in studies aimed at understanding seed 37 degeneration. These analyses return the expected performance of an intervention for predictor 38 variables mapped across the landscape. We link the scientific process and the learning cycle to 39 the value of information assessments to support a culture of continuous improvement that 40 informs strategic agricultural development. Optimizing yield by reducing disease impacts, and improving seed quality, is a primary goal 123 of many seed system interventions. Governments and institutions with a strong focus on science 124 for development, such as CGIAR, work on a suite of factors linked to seed system health. Farmer 125 training efforts focus on options for disease management and optimal decision-making. 126ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. The copyright holder for this preprint (which . http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/380352 doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online Jul. 30, 2018International development efforts to improve seed systems seek to increase farmer access to 127 disease-free, disease-resistant, high-quality seed, and improve farmer practices to implement 128 "integrated seed health strategies" ( positive selection is an on-farm management intervention that can provide large yield benefits, 136 e.g. 28-55% increases (mean 32%) (Gildemacher et al. 2012(Gildemacher et al. , 2011. Positive selection is often 137 recommended as part of an integrated seed health strategy. Under positive selection, farmers 138 select healthy appearing plants and mark them for later harvesting of seed potato tubers. 139. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available u...