Objectives: to outline the socio-demographic prole of Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis (TBMR) in the municipality of
Nova Iguaçu from 2015 to 2017; correlate determining factors and contributors to Multidrug Tuberculosis in Nova
Iguaçu residents from the same period; to identify the diseases associated with Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis in the residents of Nova Iguaçu,
in the period from 2015 to 2017. Qualitative, descriptive, retrospective study, being a source of re Methods: search on TBMR patient records,
notication forms and DATASUS data in the period of 2015 to 2017, regardless of the outcome, through an instrument prepared by the authors.
Research eld was the Municipal Tuberculosis Control Program (PMCT) of that city from the same period. In the analysis, a database was built in
an Excel 2010 spreadsheet with the collected variables, using absolute and relative frequency. We found 36 cases (73.47%) of primary Results:
resistance and 13 (26.53%) of acquired resistance (AR), with an average of ± 1.4 previous treatments. There was cure in 19 cases (38.8%),
abandonment in 11 (22.4%) and death in 3 (6.1%), 6 (12.2%) cases of bankruptcy and 10 (20.41%) complete treatment; and the associated
comorbidities stood out HIV, smoking and Diabetes Melitus. We know that in order to reduce a disease Conclusion: , we need prevention and
public policies for it, and that people understand and incorporate it into their routine.