African swine fever (ASF) has been causing multiple outbreaks in Russia, Poland and the Baltic countries in recent years and is currently spreading westwards throughout Europe and eastwards into China, with cases occurring in wild boar and domestic pigs. Curtailing further spread of ASF requires full understanding of the transmission pathways of the disease. Wild boars have been implicated as a potential reservoir for the disease and one of the main modes of transmission within Europe. We developed a spatially explicit model to estimate the risk of infection with ASF in boar and pigs due to the natural movement of wild boar that is applicable across the whole of Europe. We demonstrate the model by using it to predict the probability that early cases of ASF in Poland were caused by wild boar dispersion. The risk of infection in 2015 is computed due to wild boar cases in Poland in 2014, compared against the reported cases in 2015 and then the procedure is repeated for 2015-2016. We find that long-and medium-distance spread of ASF (i.e. >30km) is very unlikely to have occurred due to boar dispersal, due in part to the generally short distances boar will travel (<20km on average). We also predict what the relative success of different control strategies would have been in 2015, if they were implemented in 2014. Results suggest that hunting of boar reduces the number of new cases, but a larger region is at risk of ASF compared to no control measure. Alternatively, introducing boar-proof fencing reduces the size of the region at risk in 2015, but not the total number of cases. Overall, our model suggests wild boar movement is only responsible for local transmission of disease, thus other pathways are more dominant in medium and long distance spread of the disease.where represents a cell in Area A, ( ) is the number of wild boar moving from cell to cell and is the prevalence in cell . We thus define ( ) = ∑ ( ) as the total number of infected wild boar entering