Tourette syndrome (TS) and tic disorders represent events of familiar magnitude characterized by involuntary movements and/or vocalization. To determine the prevalence of TS/tic disorders we studied a sample of 762 subjects (388 M, 374 F), between 1992 and 1997, age 6 to 43 years old, taken out of a population of 10,155 subjects (4,918 M, 5,237 F; age: 3-56 years old). A structured 4-item questionnaire, direct interview (multistaged), .1 yr follow-up, were used. 9,565 subjects (4,614 M, 4,951 F) sent back the questionnaires, 3,354 of these (1,671 M, 1,683 F) with positive answers to tics. 42 subjects (31 M, 11 F, age: 7-21 years old, mean: 11 years old) met the DSM-III-R criteria. The total minimal prevalence of TS is 0.43%, with a 3:1 ratio male/female. The minimal prevalence of chronic tic disorder is 2.27%. The total minimal prevalence for tic disorders at all is 2.91%. No special education students participation.Keywords: Tourette syndrome, tic disorders, epidemiologic community prevalence study.
RESUMOSíndrome de Tourette e transtornos de tiques representam eventos de magnitude familiar caracterizados por movimentos involuntários e/ou vocalização. Para determinar a prevalência de TS/transtornos de tiques, estudamos uma amostra de 762 indivíduos (286 M, 376 F), entre 1992 e 1997, de 6 a 43 anos de idade, retirados de uma população de 10.155 indivíduos (4.918 M, 5.237 F, idade: 3-56 anos). Questionário de avaliação inicial (4 itens), entrevista direta, follow-up .1 ano, foram utilizados. 9.565 indivíduos (4.614 M, 4.951 F) retornaram seus questionários, 3.354 (1.671 M, 1.683 F), com respostas positivas para tiques. 42 sujeitos (idade 31 M, 11 F, 7-21 anos, média: 11 anos) preencheram os critérios diagnósticos do DSM-III-R. A prevalência total mínima para TS é de 0,43% (3 M:1 F), e para transtornos de tiques crônicos é de 2,27%. A prevalência total mínima para transtornos dos tiques é 2,91%. Nenhuma participação de estudantes de classe especial.Palavras-chave: síndrome de Tourette, transtornos dos tiques, estudo epidemiológico de prevalência na comunidade.Tics are brief and repetitive contractions of muscular groups, stereotyped, more commonly involving facial muscles, neck and arms. It causes sudden movements of the corporal parts involved and it may be localized in the trunk, legs and in muscles that intervene in respiration and phonation, leading to emission of sounds (vocalizations). Both motor and vocal tics can be simple or complex, and they may be part of a spectrum ranging from transient tic disorder (TTD), simple (SCTD) or multiple chronic tic disorder (CMTD) to Tourette syndrome (TS). Once considered a rare disorder, the most recent studies have reported prevalence ranging from 0.10 to 3.8% but prevalence as low as 0.043% and as high as 5.26% has been reported 1,2,3,4,5 . As in our country there has not been a previous study on tic disorders, we decided to start this investigation with the scope to determine TS/tic disorders prevalence in a cohort of students and to follow-up those identified...