Molecular typing methods are used to characterize the relatedness between bacterial isolates involved in infections. These approaches rely mostly on discrete loci or whole genome sequences (WGS) analyses of pure cultures. On the other hand, their application to environmental DNA profiling to evaluate epidemiological relatedness amongst patients and environments has received less attention. We developed a specific, high-throughput short sequence typing (HiSST) method for the opportunistic human pathogen Serratia marcescens. Genes displaying the highest polymorphism were retrieved from the core genome of 60 S. marcescens strains. Bioinformatics analyses showed that use of only three loci (within bssA, gabR and dhaM) distinguished strains with the same level of efficiency than average nucleotide identity scores of whole genomes. This HiSST scheme was applied to an epidemiological survey of S. marcescens in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). In a first case study, a strain responsible for an outbreak in the NICU was found in a sink drain of this unit, by using HiSST scheme and confirmed by WGS. The HiSST scheme was also applied to environmental DNA extracted from sink-environment samples. Diversity of S. marcescens was modest, with 11, 6 and 4 different sequence types (ST) of gabR, bssA and dhaM loci amongst 19 sink drains, respectively. Epidemiological relationships amongst sinks were inferred on the basis of pairwise comparisons of ST profiles. Further research aimed at relating ST distribution patterns to environmental features encompassing sink location, utilization and microbial diversity is needed to improve the surveillance and management of opportunistic pathogens.