Among ectoparasites that infect cattle, parasitic arthropods are the most common pathogens. These include acariform mites of the Chorioptes Bovis, which cause сhorioptosis in ruminants. Parasitization of these permanent ectoparasites leads to significant losses in livestock due to reduced volumes and quality of industrial products. The study aimed to study the degree of infestation of cattle of different ages with the causative agent of сhorioptosis in farms of Poltava region (Ukraine) and establish the features of acarosis in mixed invasions. Studies have shown that the average extent of сhorioptosic invasion of cattle in the surveyed region was 16.80 %, and the moderate intensity of the invasion – 53.81 specimens of ticks on the body area of 4 cm2. It is proved that the indicators of infection of cattle Ch. Bovis grow with age. In calves, up to 6 months of age, young animals aged 6 to 12 months, heifers older than 12 months, and cows, the intensity of invasion was 9.40, 15.24, 21.84, and 25 %, respectively, and the intensity of invasion was 16.73, 45, 38, 58.89 and 78.61 specimens/4 cm2. It was found that сhorioptosis in cattle more often (68.75 %) occurs in the form of mixinvasions, where co-members of Chorioptes Bovis are parasitic insects (bovicols), cestodes (moniesies), trematodes (paramphistomes), nematodes (strongyloides, trichurises, strongylides of digestive organs) and coccidies (eimeries). Two-component mixinvasions were found in 65.91 % of chorioptosis patients and three-component – in 25 % of infected animals. Four- and five-component mixed invasions were less common (6.82 % and 2.27 %, respectively). A total of 19 species of mixed invasions were identified, 7 of which were two-component, 8 three-component, 3 four-component, and 1 five-component. Simultaneous parasitization of Chorioptes Bovis and strongylide of digestive organs (25 %), bovicoles (15.91 %) in two-component mixinvasions was most often found. Other combinations of parasites were diagnosed less frequently (2.27–6.82 %). The research results expand the already existing scientific data on the peculiarities of the chorioptosis of cattle and will allow us to take them into account when carrying out diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic measures for this invasion.