Penelitian ini berjudul Implementasi Kebijakan Penanggulangan Penyakit Di Kabupaten Bandung (studi kasus penanggulangan Covid19 di Puskesmas Majalaya). Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi ketertarikan penulis mengenai implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Bandung Nomor 19 Tahun 2026 Tentang Penanggulangan Penyakit. Kebijakan ini merupakan kebijakan substantive untuk menyelesaikan masalah public yang mendasar yaitu penanggulangan penyakit yang mana saat ini yang menjadi tantangan dan menjadi masalah public dibidang kesehatan yaitu upaya penanggulangan Covid19 termasuk di Kabupaten Bandung.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Sumber-sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah peraturan perundang-undangan, literatur, catatan, dokumen, maupun artikel. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif maka pada penelitian menggunakan informan sebagai sumber data penelitian. Teknik purposive sampling digunakan untuk menentukan informan penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori model implementasi Van Metter Van Horn yang tediri dari diimensi : ukuran/sasaran dan Tujuan Kebijakan, Sumber Daya, Sikap Pelaksana, Komunikasi, Karakteristik Agen Pelaksana dan Lingkungan sosial, politik dan ekonomi. peneliti mengambil kesimpulan bahwa kebijakan penanggulangan Covid19 di Puskemas Majalaya sudah diimplementasikan oleh seluruh actor implementasi namun dilihat dari variabel yang mempengaruhi impementasi dari Van Meter dan Horn (1975) ditemukan kendala kendala dalam mendukung proses kinerja implementasi kebijakan yaitu fasilitas dan sarana prasarana dalam penangulangan Covid19 perlu dipenuhi secara berkesinambungan dan variabel sosial ekonomi masyarakat yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan dalam implementasi kebijakan. This research is entitled Implementation of Disease Preventions Policies in Bandung Regency (a case study of Covid19 prevention at Majalaya Health Center). This research is motivated by the author's interest in the implementation of the Bandung Regency Regional Regulation Number 19 of 2026 Concerning Disease Management. This policy is a substantive policy to solve a basic public problem, namely the prevention of disease. Which is currently a challenge and a public problem in the health sector is the effort to overcome Covid19, including in Bandung Regency. The trend of Covid-19 cases and deaths due to Covid-19 in Bandung Regency is still high. In this study used qualitative research methods. The sources of data in this study are legislation, literature, notes, documents, and articles. This research is a descriptive study in this study used informants as a source of research data. Purposive sampling technique is used to determine research informants and in its development is carried out by snowball samplin until complete data and information are obtained. This study uses the Van Metter Van Horn implementation model theory which consists of the following dimensions: Policy Standards and Objectives, the resources and incentives made available, the disposition or response of the implementers, The quality of inter-organizational relationships, The Characteristics of the Implementing Agencies and social, political and economic environment. The researcher concludes that the Covid19 response policy at the Majalaya Health Center has been implemented by all implementing actors, but judging from the variables that affect the implementation of Van Meter and Horn (1975) there are obstacles in meeting these variables that influence the performance of policy implementation. namely the facilities and infrastructure in dealing with Covid19 that need to be fulfilled on an ongoing basis and the socio-economic variables of the community that affect compliance in policy implementation.