Brucellosis is a contagious systemic bacterial disease of livestock. Antibiotics commonly being used have limited efficacy against the disease. In the present study, therapy with antibiotics on Brucella infected cattle was performed and subsequently haemato-biochemical parameters, detection of anti-Brucella antibodies in both serum and milk by different diagnostics and shedding of Brucella in milk were assessed. Treatment with antibiotics; streptomycin and long acting tetracycline alone and in combination were given for four weeks. Hb, TEC, TLC, neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes count, AST, ALT and SD values were lower whereas, PCV, serum glucose, total protein, albumin and creatinine were higher in Brucella infected cattle. Treatment with combination therapy showed promising results in these animals. Haemato-biochemical parameters were become near to normal in most of animals that received combination therapy. However, not all animals were returned to normal after treatment but a significant numbers in combination therapy were reduced anti-Brucella antibody titre, both in serum and milk. The level of shedding of Brucella in milk had also gone undetectable.
KeywordsBrucellosis; Cattle; Haemato-biochemical parameters; Oxytetracycline; Streptomycin Reaction (PCR) based assays have been developed for the rapid identification of Brucella. It is advantageous to detect DNA of pathogen that rendered biologically safe and hence, reduced the risk of infection to laboratory workers. In addition, PCR is more sensitive than traditional culture method [8].There is limited evidence on treatment aspect of Brucella infected cattle as well as their haemato-biochemical parameters. Brucella is inaccessible to antibiotics as they are facultative intracellular pathogens. Many antimicrobials are active against Brucella species; however, clinical efficacy does not always correlate with in vitro susceptibility [9]. Treatments for brucellosis have been tried previously but none was found successful [10,11]. Streptomycin acts synergistically with penicillin or tetracycline to inhibit the growth of B. abortus within bovine cells cultured in vitro [12]. Considering the above facts, the present work was intended to determine the efficacy of antibiotic therapy and alteration in the haemato-biochemical parameters if any, in Brucella infected cattle after treatment.
Materials and MethodsA total of 27 cattle which showed antibodies both in serum and milk as well as Brucella DNA in milk were selected for the study. ELISA, RBPT and STAT were employed on serum whereas, MRT and ELISA on milk to detect the anti-Brucella antibodies. Milk samples were processed for detection of pathogen itself in form of its DNA (16S rRNA) by PCR [13]. Reference antigens and serum for RBPT, STAT and, for MRT, Abortus Bang Ring Antigen (ABR Antigen) were procured from the Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar (India). AniGen B. Brucella Ab ELISA kit (Cat. No. EB43-01) (i-ELISA and Milk-ELISA) was procured