Khan DR, Guillemette C, Sirard MA, Richard FJ. Transcriptomic analysis of cyclic AMP response in bovine cumulus cells. Physiol Genomics 47: 432-442, 2015. First published June 16, 2015 doi:10.1152/physiolgenomics.00043.2015.-Acquisition of oocyte developmental competence needs to be understood to improve clinical outcomes of assisted reproduction. The stimulation of cumulus cell concentration of cyclic adenosine 3=5=-monophosphate (cAMP) by pharmacological agents during in vitro maturation (IVM) participates in improvement of oocyte quality. However, precise coordination and downstream targets of cAMP signaling in cumulus cells are largely unknown. We have previously demonstrated better embryo development after cAMP stimulation for first 6 h during IVM. Using this model, we investigated cAMP signaling in cumulus cells through in vitro culture of cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) in the presence of cAMP raising agents: forskolin, IBMX, and dipyridamole (here called FID treatment). Transcriptomic analysis of cumulus cells indicated that FID-induced differentially expressed transcripts were implicated in cumulus expansion, steroidogenesis, cell metabolism, and oocyte competence. Functional genomic analysis revealed that protein kinase-A (PKA), extracellular signal regulated kinases (ERK1/2), and calcium (Ca 2ϩ ) pathways as key regulators of FID signaling. Inhibition of PKA (H89) in FID-supplemented COCs or substitution of FID with calcium ionophore (A23187) demonstrated that FID activated primarily the PKA pathway which inhibited ERK1/2 phosphorylation and was upstream of calcium signaling. Furthermore, inhibition of ERK1/2 phosphorylation by FID supported a regulation by dual specific phosphatase (DUSP1) via PKA. Our findings imply that cAMP (FID) regulates cell metabolism, steroidogenesis, intracellular signaling and cumulus expansion through PKA which modulates these functions through optimization of ERK1/2 phosphorylation and coordination of calcium signaling. These findings have implications for development of new strategies for improving oocyte in vitro maturation leading to better developmental competence. cumulus cells; cyclic AMP; cell signaling; oocyte maturation; transcriptomics; PKA; ERK1/2 FOLLICULOGENESIS IS CHARACTERIZED by cumulus-oocyte communication, which heralds better oocyte competence. This communication is mediated by gap junctions and affects accumulation of maternal factors within the oocyte that are essential to support early embryonic development (49). Also, through gap junctions, cumulus cells transfer cyclic adenosine 3=5=-monophosphate (cAMP) to the oocyte where one role of cAMP is to maintain arrest at meiotic prophase-I (12, 50). Oocyte resumes meiotic division (oocyte maturation) either in response to preovulatory luteinizing hormone (LH) surge or on its removal from its follicular environment (13,18). Additionally, a decline in intracellular cAMP can induce oocyte meiotic resumption, which presages a progressive closure of cumulusoocyte cross talk and transfer of maternal factors t...