(7). This is reflected by the decrease or disappearance of BL-associated CD10 and CD77 markers and the appearance of activation markers. EBNAs 2-6 and LMPs 1, 2a, and 2b are upregulated as well. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) represents yet a third type of EBV-host cell interaction. EBNA 1 is always expressed but EBNAs 2-6 are not. LMP 1 is detected in some 65% of NPCs (9).We have found (10, 11) that somatic cell hybrids derived from the fusion of EBV-carrying group III BL lines or LCLs with non-B-cell lines downregulate EBNAs 2-6, LMP 1, and B-cell-specific markers. This suggested that the regulation of EBNA 1, on the one hand, and EBNAs 2-6, on the other hand, can be dissociated from each other. EBNA 1 shows a dominant constitutive expression, and EBNAs 2-6, LMPs, and B-blast-specific markers are expressed in a cellphenotype-dependent fashion. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether the EBNA 2-6 expression depends on selective promoter activity. Our S1 nuclease analysis has shown that group I BL cells, NPC biopsies, and somatic cell hybrids that express only EBNA 1 utilize neither the BCR2 nor the BWR1 promoter. As our earlier findings (9,12,13) suggested that viral DNA methylation may play a role in the regulation, we investigated whether promoter activity correlated with the methylation status.
MATERIALS AND METHODSCells. The origin and EBV gene expression of all the cell lines is summarized in Table 1 The biopsies were stored frozen at -70'C until used for RNA isolation. C15, CAO, and NPCs 1 and 3 were LMP-positive whereas NPCs 2 and 4 were negative by immunoblot analysis with the S12 monoclonal antibody. They were all EBNA 1-positive (9).RNA Preparation and S1 Nuclease Assay. Total RNA from cell lines was prepared by homogenization in guanidinium isothiocyanate and ultracentrifugation through a CsCl cushion. Total RNA from NPC material was prepared by acidguanidinium thiocyanate/phenol/chloroform extraction.