“…If so, this correspondence is instrumental in the observed mutation of American meritocracy (and democracy) into, to quote Pareto, Michels, and Mills, a demagogic plutocracy -i.e. 'dictatorship' by the rich (Niggle, 1998) -oligarchy, or power-elite rule. As hinted, the latter is exemplified in the US capitalist-state alliance engaging in a sort of 'friendly fascism' (Bonefeld, 2002, p. 145) at home and, perhaps as a corollary, a 'bellicose but moralistic foreign policy, including various old and new manifestations of imperialism and aggressive use of 'smart' weapons of mass destruction against demonized non-Western settings' (Tiryakian, 2002(Tiryakian, , p. 1630.…”