Pharmacological responses are modulated over time by regulation of signaling mechanisms. The canonical short-term regulation mechanisms are receptor desensitization and degradation of the response. Here for the first time a pharmacological model for measuring drug parameters is developed that incorporates short-term mechanisms of regulation of signaling. The model is formulated in a manner that enables measurement of drug parameters using familiar curve fitting methods. The efficacy parameter is kτ, which is simply the initial rate of signaling before it becomes limited by regulation mechanisms. The regulation parameters are rate constants, kDES for receptor desensitization and kD for response degradation. Efficacy and regulation are separate parameters, meaning these properties can be optimized independently of one another in drug discovery. The parameters can be applied to translate in vitro findings to in vivo efficacy in terms of the magnitude and duration of drug effect. When the time course data conform to certain shapes, for example the association exponential curve, a mechanism-agnostic approach can be applied to estimate agonist efficacy, without the need to know the underlying regulatory mechanisms. The model was verified by comparison with historical data and by fitting these data to estimate the model parameters. This new model for quantifying drug activity can be broadly applied to the short-term cell signaling assays used routinely in drug discovery and to aid their translation to in vivo efficacy, facilitating the development of new therapeutics.Recently a model was developed to quantify the kinetics/dynamics of agonist action on Gprotein-coupled receptor signaling pathways . The model is based on the primary characteristic of GPCR signaling -intermolecular interaction between components in the signal transduction cascade (Gilman, 1987). For example, receptor interacts with G-protein, which then interacts with adenylyl cyclase, which catalyzes the formation of cAMP, which interacts with protein-kinase A, which, through a series of further intermolecular interactions, results in gene expression. This series of interactions is modeled by reducing it to a single global interaction between the receptor and the signaling system [the approach used in the operational model of agonism ]. Specifically, the precursor of the response (EP) is transformed to 6 the response (E) by the action of the receptor (RA) on the signal transduction system. This is represented in Fig. 1, in the green-shaded region. The precursor is termed here "Response precursor." (In the original model this was termed "Transduction potential." While formulated on explicit mechanistic principles, the model can also be derived as an adaptation of general, less-mechanistic classical pharmacological models. Specifically, the model is an adaptation of the operational model of agonism (Black and Leff, 1983), in which the kinetic constant kE replaces the equilibrium constant KE (Hoare et al., 2018). Consequently, the kinetic model can be viewe...