Abstract:We have determined the heat of formation of 1,l-dimethoxyethene, AHf(l) = -75.56 ? 0.87 kcal mol-I, by measuring the heat of hydrolysis. The heat of vaporization, 8.47 ? 0.10 kcal mol-I, was estimated from the boiling points at various pressures. The standard entropy of gaseous 1,l-dimethoxyethene, 82.02 ? 2. cal deg-' mol-', was calculated using frequencies obtained by M O calculations at the 6-31G** level. The free energy of transfer, 1.02 2 1, was estimated by additivity with allowance for a distant polar interaction. Thus the free energy of formation in aqueous solution, AGf(aq) = -37.07 ? 1.48 kcal rnol-', could be calculated. ' The free energies of hydrolysis for en01 ethers appear to be insensitive to structure; we used an average value and so calculated the values of the free energies of formation of the enols of acetic acid and methyl acetate, -67.90 2 1.67 and -52.48 2 1.53 kcal mol-I, respectively. These values are in good agreement with other recent evaluations. This method should be applicable to related enols.Key words: enols, thermodynamics, heat of formation, entropy, ketene acetal.